“Give Misery a Home”, a Kickstarter campaign for Tales from the Funeral Home

“Give Misery a Home”, the Kickstarter campaign

We’ve always done things our way and will continue to with the support of you strange people. From unreleased “Cancel The Wedding Funeral” shirts to private shows, we ungraciously submit our rewards to you at the launch of our 60-day Kickstarter to see if we can put this release to vinyl. Becoming a backer on the simplest pledge gives you the advantage of being first in line to get the record as well as a discount (If successful, the album will be $25, not $20). Our entire merch catalog is available to add-on as well, so pledge exactly as you like. Peruse our Kickstarter and spread the word.


The Wedding Funeral Announces New Rewards for “Give Misery a Home” Kickstarter Campaign