The Jersey Devil Show at Albert Music Hall

For people who know The Wedding Funeral, All Hallows' Eve doesn't just end on All Hallows' Eve. The NJ pinelands have been called the most eerie forest in America. We just call it home. And so does a certain creature whose roots go back to the origins of America itself. This Saturday, we celebrate this monster in only one place where it is best to do so, Albert Music Hall. The Pinelands Cultural Society presents the annual Jersey Devil Show, songs about the legend of the Leeds Devil. The Wedding Funeral begins the festivities and will be playing "Bosque del Dragon" off Tales from the Funeral Home. Every year the Leeds Devil itself appears at this show. Will it happen again this year? All we know is this one-of-a-kind show can only happen right in the pine barrens and this is your chance to be a witness.


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Epic Exploration Videocast Featuring The Wedding Funeral